Disorders related to respiratory system Neet


  • Inflammation of the lungs due to infection is called pneumonia.
  • Pneumonia is caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Viral pneumonia is due to adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus or coxsackievirus. The most common bacterial pneumonia is Pneumococcal pneumonia. Pneumonia may also be caused by mycoplasma (an organism that is intermediate between a bacterium and a virus)

Symptoms and Signs: Symptoms and signs include fever, chills, shortness of breath and a cough that produces yellow-green sputum and occasionally blood. 

Treatment: The drugs prescribed depend on the causative microorganism. They may include antibiotic drugs or antifungal drugs. Aspirin or paracetamol may be given to reduce fever. Oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation may be required. 

Tuberculosis (TB) 

  • It is an infections disease, caused in humans by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculae. 
  • It was once common worldwide and was a killer disease. 
  • People infected with HIV are highly susceptible to tuberculosis and the disease is becoming more common again in communities with high rates of HIV infection.


  • Infection is caused by airborne droplets (produced by coughing or sneezing). 
  • The bacteria breathed into the lungs multiply to form an infected “focus”. 
  • In a high proportion of cases, the body’s immune system then halts the infection and healing occurs. 
  • The infection can also occur in the intestines, bones and kidneys. 


  • The main symptom includes coughing (sometimes bringing up blood) chest pain, shortness of breath, fever and sweating (at night) poor appetite and weight loss. 
  • The main complications of tuberculosis of the lungs are pleural effusion. (Collection of fluid between the lung and the chest wall).


  • Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi, the airways that connect the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs, resulting in a cough that may produce considerable quantities of sputum (Phlegm). 
  • Two forms, of the disease are recognized as acute bronchitis (sudden onset and short duration) and chronic bronchitis (Persistent over a long period and recurring over several years). 
  • Both are more common in smokers and in areas with high atmospheric pollution. 

Acute bronchitis

  • It is caused by a viral infection or by the effect of air pollutants. 
  • Bacterial infection may cause acute bronchitis. Attacks occur more often in winter. Smokers, babies, the elderly and people with lung diseases are particularly susceptible. 

Chronic Bronchitis

  • It is a form of bronchitis in which sputum is coughed up on most days for at least three consecutive months. 
  • The disease results in narrowing and obstruction of the airways in the lungs. 
  • It often coexists with another form of lung disease, emphysema (widening of alveoli). 
  • Chronic bronchitis and emphysema together are called chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) or chronic obstructive airways disease. 


Pollution and smoking are the causes of chronic bronchitis. It stimulates the production of mucus in the lining of the bronchi.
