Vegetative Propagation in Plants Neet

Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction. This happens in leaves, roots, and stem. Vegetative propagation is through runners, stolon, stem and root cuttings , tubers, dormant apices and offsets.

Vegetative Propagation by underground stem – Rhizome

Diagnostic Features 

• Ginger is a underground stem which is called as Rhizome. 

• Rhizomes are horizontal and swollen due to the storage of food materials. 

• The terminal buds turn upwards to produce the aerial flowering shoot and the lateral buds grow out to form new rhizomes.

Vegetative Propagation by sub-aerial stem – Sucker

Diagnostic Features 

• The suckers of Chrysanthemum are used for propagating plants.

• Suckers grows horizontally under the soil and then emerge out obliquely from the soil and give rise to a new plant or leafy shoot.

• The sucker has nodes and internodes. In the nodal region, it bears axillary buds above and adventitious roots below.

Vegetative Propagation by epiphyllous buds - Bryophyllum

Diagnostic Features 

• In Bryophyllum, adventitious buds arise on the leaf margins. These are called epiphyllous buds. 

• When the leaves fall off the epiphyllous buds develop roots into the soil and becomes independent plants.
